These are not just people who email list buy from you, these are people have bought into you. Meaning, they have been converted from mere customers to email list disciples of all that your business represent. Your proof of ownership is their continuous patronage [loyalty]. If you have ever seen a football fan email list of a particular club, say Chelsea.
Arsenal or Manchester, you'll better understand email list this concept of market share. These fans don't just like football, their love for football has transcended from email list the general game of football to a particular kind of football -the games played by their favorite club. This level of interest is not accidental, it is not coerced, email list it's a choice. Market share is all about preference; choosing to give your money repeatedly to a particular company or business email list over a long period of time based on certain factors that appeal to you personally.
Market share is intentional, people choose you instead of others because there's something SIGNIFICANT [unique email list, unusual, extra-ordinary, different, special] about you. Market share is people identifying with your business, company, product, or email list services. It doesn't come by chance; it can only be intentionally created. Creating Your Own Share of the Market You are not going to have them lining up behind your business as followers, so don't bother waiting for them. Your best bet is to create followers by becoming a leader yourself.